MySoulrenity is a small bi-coastal group of like-minded souls all traveling on different paths on a similar journey.
Together we’re Conscious [Life] Coaches, Nutritional Specialists, Yoga Instructors, Reiki Masters, Ph.D. Psychologists, Soulrenity Guides, Energy Healers and much more! We’re dedicated to guiding those on the many paths life can take you to help others realize their true potential, passion, and purpose. YOUR vision will become OUR vision.
Inspired. Enlightened. Motivated. Inclusive.
Our straightforward and intuitive methods help change the lives of many and have been taught in several educational programs.
We treat your whole being: Mind, Body, Self, and Beyond as we know how complex each of us truly are. Radical ideas, pattern shifting, mental block breaking, and presenting you with new ideas including conscious living will be used to inspire and invigorate you.
We are your new inner journey companions!
MySoulrenity is the place for all things sacred too—there is no judgement here. Our heart and eyes are open to all beings—with no exceptions. We want to promote healthy beings and healthy interactions with the world and all who live within.
Who better to guide you than your companions?
Here at MySoulrenity we are in sync with our inner warriors and surrounding ourselves with inspiring beings. Sometimes our souls do not speak as clearly as we expect, sometimes soulrenity takes form in other ways. We hope this place provides both for you!
Can’t get enough of us? Okay!
Learn more about Nat, Sophie + Company
Or contact us at