Reiki is a gentle, non-invasive energy healing modality that creates deep relaxation, relieves pain, and balances mind, body, and spirit. It is an ancient Japanese healing art that was re-discovered by Dr. Mikao Usui, has no religious affiliation and is a fantastic healing tool to restore balance, to heal and to harmonize all aspects of the person – body, mind, emotions and spirit – and it can encourage personal and spiritual awareness and growth.
All living things have energy, and energy needs to be balanced. Many of you may have heard of some other energy balancing practices such as yoga, meditation, tai chi etc. Reiki is just another form of energy balancing.
How does Reiki work?
The practice of Reiki stimulates and strengthens the flow of energy in your body. It clears and balances your chakras; releases energetic blockages; and allows your body to do what it does best: heal itself.
This is based on the principle of vibrational resonance; that is, when opposing vibrations collide, the stronger vibration will eventually dominate and the weaker vibration will either rise or fall to meet it. Reiki is one way to recenter our focus and reconnect with our life in a more meaningful way.
As alive beings, we all are given the power to heal ourselves. Sometimes we just don’t know exactly how to access this power. Reiki teaches us how to channel energy is a particular way to heal ourselves, plants, another person, a room, or even animals, through touch and positive thought process. Since we were little kids, we were aware of the healing power of touch. For instance, when we fell and our mother would give our boo-boo a kiss and it felt better, that was one way to bring loving energy to a place that hurt.
Reiki is one way for us to connect to our higher self and connect to the things around us in a more meaningful way. Years ago, our ancestors used many various techniques to connect with the world and earth around us. In this day and age, we are challenged with competing tasks and distractions that make connecting to our inner light and the beauty of this life more difficult at times.
This shift in vibration will cause positive change in your energy body, which will eventually manifest in all aspects of your life.
What are the benefits of Reiki?
The benefits of Reiki are vast, and are physical, mental/emotional, and spiritual. Reiki is the ultimate holistic modality, as it always benefits all aspects of our health at any given time, even when it seems like it focuses on one particular issue.
Our favorite three benefits of Reiki are…
- Helps you feel good. Reiki helps with reducing stress, depression, and anxiety. Studies have shown that Reiki does benefit those who have a negative mood or are dealing with any type of stress. It triggers the body’s relaxation response reducing stress and increasing energy.
- Provides reliefs for body aches and pains. A study published in the Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine showed that those who used Reiki to heal their joint pain had the same results of those who used physical therapy in improving their range of motion.
- Creates space for emotional clarity and inner growth. Reiki is also a form of emotional healing. It can improve your ability to connect with others helping you to build better relationships and be more empathetic. It also promotes inner peace and harmony that can aid in your spiritual growth.

How do I get started?
Reiki works in conjunction with regular medical or psychological treatment. If one has a medical or psychological condition, it is recommended that one see a licensed health care professional in addition to receiving Reiki treatments. Reiki energy works in harmony with all other forms of healing, including drugs, surgery, psychological care or any other method of alternative care and will improve the results.
Reiki is a very simple technique to learn and is not dependent on one having any prior experience with healing, meditation or any other kind of training. It has been successfully learned by over one million people from all walks of life.
The ability to do Reiki is simply transfers from the teacher to the student through a process called an attunement that takes place during a Reiki class. As soon as one receives an “attunement”, they have the ability to do Reiki and after that whenever one places their hands on themselves or on another person with the intention of doing Reiki, the healing energy will automatically begin flowing.
Beginning Reiki classes are taught in a variety of places. The classes are usually one or two days long. We recommend that the minimum time necessary be at least six to seven hours. Along with the attunement, it is necessary that the student is shown how to give treatments and also to practice giving treatments in class. Once you have received the attunement, you can treat yourself as well as others. This is one of the unique features of Reiki.
What should I look for in a Reiki teacher?
Reiki teachers or Masters advertise all over the web, at health food stores, new age bookstores and other places. Once you find a Reiki teacher or practitioner you are interested in receiving training or a treatment from, it is a good idea to ask them some important questions.
Here are a few that will give you additional information to make a choice:
- How long have you been working with Reiki? What training have you had? How often do you teach? How do you personally use Reiki? What is your lineage?
- What qualifications are required to take Reiki Training?
- Can I take notes and tape record the class?
- Is there a Reiki support group in my area or can you help me establish one?
- What do you cover in your classes?
- What are the specific things I will be able to do after taking the training?
- How much are your fees, and will I get a certificate and a manual?
- Will you openly support me in being a successful Reiki practitioner or Master?
Keep an open awareness to isolate how you feel about their answers. Are responding in a loving manner that is supportive and empowering? Listen to your heart and you will be guided to the right teacher or practitioner for you.
Does Reiki feel weird?
What one experiences during a Reiki treatment varies somewhat from person to person. However, feelings of deep relaxation are common. In addition, many feel a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and surrounds them. As the Reiki energy encourages one to let go of all tension, anxiety, fear or other negative feelings a state of peace and well-being is experienced. Some drift off to sleep or report floating outside their bodies or have visions and other personal experiences.
At the end of the treatment, one feels refreshed with a more positive, balanced outlook.
There are many ways to know that Reiki is for you. Many times we are drawn to it. We have a curiosity about it. For some of us we know we have it in us but are fearful of jumping into the realms of personal power. We are unsure where to start, if it will work and if we will be like those people who are obsessed with nature and the moon.
Other times we just feel compelled to help others. We can sometimes be the one who helps others while no one helps us yet we still find it in our heart to love and help again. We can have our limits but we allow much more than we know we should because in our heart of hearts, we love to help.
You need nothing else but the guidance you choose and your higher self to step into the world of Reiki healing.
Have you tried Reiki? Are you interested in learning more about Reiki? Let us know your thoughts and experiences!